If you are shooting open sights, you will need to obtain black cartridge paper and cellotape a white bull to the center (I generally use a 3-4" square bull). Please click here for my 3 Inch double target for general group testing. I designed this target on basic focal principles which are lacking from other target designs. Each A4 sheet has two targets with 1 inch increments for both group testing and to set final height (generally 3" high at 100 yards) I have seen many odd targets over the years and a good proportion do nothing to help the shooter with natural alignment.

This has a very bold black bull and small white center to draw the eye to center. The second target is my standard double target for group testing. Please click here for my full page sight in target. There is also a second bull three inches low which can be useful as a secondary aiming point for further group assessment which often comes in handy after the initial sight in. This target has a center bull with graduations extending outwards in inch increments. The first is a basic sighting in target to be used when zeroing your scope. I have been using these targets for many years. The following downloadable PDF targets are of my own design.